The Hidden Faces of Diabetes and the Dental Implications

Denisse González Estrada, DDS, MEd, FCMO

Tyrone F. Rodríguez, DDS, FACD, FPFA, FAAPD, FICD

The origins of the term "diabetes" trace back to the ancient Greek physician Apollonius of Memphis, who first used the term between 250 and 300 B.C. The name itself, meaning "siphon" or "pass," reflects the condition's hallmark of excessive urine flow, while "mellitus," meaning "sweet," highlights the sugar found in the urine of those affected. This article delves into the distinctions between Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes, exploring their causes, risk factors, and impacts on life expectancy, particularly in how gender and ethnicity play significant roles in the manifestation and severity of these conditions. Read on to learn more about the historical context and the modern implications of these two major forms of diabetes. Full article is available here.Dr. Rodriguez - 1 THE MANY FACES OF DIABETES AND THE DENTAL IMPLICATIONS


Mouthwash or Hogwash?

 Tyrone F. Rodriguez, DDS, FACD, FPFA, FAAPD, FICD

 The use of mouthwash has a rich historical significance, dating back to ancient civilizations such as the Egyptians, Chinese, Greeks, and Romans. These cultures were pioneers in oral care and breath-freshening practices, laying the foundation for our modern application of mouthwash.1  Historical records show blends of charcoal, dried flowers, and fruits were used for oral rising to improve breath.1  The Industrial Revolution of the 1800s sped up the development and acceptability of mouthwash, where a majority of early formulations were alcohol based for stability.1  

Read the entire article here.


'Tis the Season: Nasal Offense and Oral Defense

Tyrone F. Rodriguez, DDS, FACD, FPFA, FAAPD, FICD
Denisse Gonzalez Estrada, DDS, MEd, FCMO

Cooler weather brings relief to many after a long sizzling summer. The dropping temperature chills us and causes some significant changes to our physiology that we might not be aware of. Coughs, colds, allergies, sniffles, and congestion are all part of the change in weather. Read the entire article here.

Good-bye My Yellow-Brick Road... Artificial Intelligence: Fact or Fiction?

Eric Shapira, DDS, MAGD, MA, MHA

The pandemic has fast tracked humanity into delegating and replacing its physical activity. In our ever-growing digital society, we have an accepted expectation for expedited delivery. This inherent social impatience has driven the world to fabricate a technological expectation of immediacy and precision.
Read the entire article here.

More Than Just Cleaning, It Could Mean Your Life

Tyrone Fernando Rodriguez, DDS, FACD, FPFA, FAAPD, FICD

Our patients seem to appreciate what is directly before them, their pearly whites. They usually want white and straight teeth to predominate their smile. Little is usually linked with our oral health and mortality. Read the entire article here.

Texas New Law for Dental Hygienists to Administer Local Anesthesia: Work in Progress

Jeanine Lehman, Attorney at Law

In 2023, the Texas Legislature passed House Bill 3824, which allows dental hygienists to administer local anesthesia in Texas. More work needs to be done before the new law is implemented. Read the entire article here.

Be Prepared, Weight Loss Trends and Dental Care

Tyrone F. Rodriguez, DDS, FACD, FPFA, FAAPD, FICD
Denisse Estrada, DDS, MEd, FMCO

The news and media are full of commercials for new weight loss drugs. In the United States 2 out of 5 adults and 1 out of 5 children have obesity now with new evidence linking 13 types of cancers to this physical condition. Read the entire article here.

Beyond Implants, Bridges, and Dentures

Tyrone F. Rodriguez, DDS, FACD, FPFA, FAAPD, FICD

The use of gene therapy, delivery of genes via adenovirus vectors, has been shown to help grow missing teeth in mice. Learn more about how this gene therapy could revolutionize treatment of missing teeth in the future.

Read the entire article here.

Over a Decade of The SADDS Foundation Impact...and Opportunities Ahead!

Ben Taylor, DDS
SADDS Foundation President

The San Antonio District Dental Society Foundation was established over a decade ago and it has a clear mission to promote oral health awareness, boost dentistry's public perception, improve dental education, and enhance dental care access for Texans. We achieve this by coordinating resources, launching innovative programs and fostering public awareness of dental health. Read the entire article here.

As Temperatures Soar, so do the Effects of Heat on our Dental Patients and Us!

Tyrone F. Rodriguez, DDS, FACD, FPFA, FAAPD, FICD

In South Texas, we are breaking records with heat in the summer! Learn how to make sure everyone is safe receiving dental care, remember...awareness is your first line of defense. Read the entire article here.

The State of Texas is the 49th State to Authorize Local Anesthesia Permit by Registered Dental Hygienists

Austin Lee, DDS, CP

With the support of our members and looking to the 88th Texas Legislative Session in 2023, we began our conversation with the other districts in Texas and the Board of Trustees of the TDA. After much conversation, the TDA Board presented a resolution. Read the entire article here.

Healthy Mouth, Healthy Brain: Exploring the Connection Between Periodontics and Neurodegenerative Disease

Kelsey Edmondson, DDS, MS, FICD
Tyrone F. Rodriguez, DDS, FACD, FPFA, FAAPD, FICD

Often, public perception in dentistry is that of concern for cavities, broken teeth, and missing teeth. In light of what our patients can see or perceive, there is a silent menace that goes undetected and, in many cases, is overlooked or underemphasized. Read the entire article here.

My Mouth, Microbiome, and Malignancies

Tyrone F. Rodriguez, DDS, FACD, FPFA, FAAPD, FICD
Denisse Gonzalez Estrada, DDS, MEd, FCMO

Part one of the Microbiome article granted us a foundation to better understand the role of this genetic information in and on our bodies. Appreciating that the oral cavity has over 700 microbial species, second to the GI tract, we can see there is much to learn with the limited understanding we have of our bodies' guests the: archaea, bacteria, eukaryotes, and viruses. Read the entire article here.

What if Dentistry was Disorganized?

Tyrone Fernando Rodriguez, DDS, FACD, FPFA, FAAPD, FICD
Richard M. Potter, DDS, FICD, FACD, FPFA

Dissecting a thought-provoking editorial dating back to 1931, penned at the onset of the Great Depression, the parallels with our current post-Covid-19 era in dentistry are striking. Read entire article here.

It Is Time to Subtract from Add-iction and Its Toll

Tyrone F. Rodriguez, DDS, FACD, FPFA, FAAPD, FICD

Substance use disorders (SUDs) are an ever-increasing concern for health providers. Patients may be in active addiction or recovery. Estimates from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Administration (SAMHSA) mention that 1 out of every 7 adult Americans struggle with SUDs. This means that almost 40 million Americans are impacted by this at-times "overlooked" epidemic. Read entire article here.

Shocking New Results: Resuscitation Revisited

Tyrone F. Rodriguez, DDS, FACD, FPFA, FAAPD, FICD

Ventricular fibrillation occurs when the human heart is pushed beyond its limits of electrical and physical capacity, surpassing the ventricular contraction rate of 300 beats per minute. This functional irregularity may result in unconsciousness and eventual death without proper resuscitative intervention. Read the entire article here.

Pre, Pro, and Post: What should the dental team know about "Biotics"

Tyrone F. Rodriguez, DDS, FACD, FPFA, FAAPD, FICD
Denisse Estrada, DDS, MEd, *FCOM

The time of year for festivity and cheer is here. This means it is time to gather with family and friends to feast away. Some of us may eat quantities and varieties of foods that we normally do not eat during other seasons. The foods we sample; used to quench our nostalgia, and perhaps satisfy our cravings do more to us than meets the eye or mouth. Read entire article here.