Great Expectations Mentorship Program

The San Antonio District Dental Society takes great pride in the Great Expectations Mentorship Program, which is sponsored by the International College of Dentists every year. This program is designed to foster meaningful connections between experienced member dentists and the aspiring students at the UT Health San Antonio School of Dentistry. This program offers a valuable opportunity for students to receive guidance and support from established professionals in the dental field as they navigate their educational journey and prepare for their future careers.

At the beginning of the program, students are given the opportunity to select their own mentor from a pool of volunteer, accomplished dentists within the society. This very important step allows the students to find a mentor whose expertise and experience align with their personal interests and career aspirations. The mentorship relationship begins with an introductory dinner in the fall, where students and mentors have the chance to meet and establish a foundation for their future interactions.

Once the mentorship is initiated, students and mentors have the freedom to connect and collaborate as needed throughout the academic year. The program encourages regular meetings and discussions, during which mentors can provide guidance, share insights, and address any challenges that the students may encounter. These mentorship sessions serve as valuable platforms for students to seek advice on various aspects of their professional development, ranging from clinical skills and patient management to practice management and career planning.

Through this mentorship program, the San Antonio District Dental Society aims to empower the next generation of dentists with the knowledge, skills, and insights necessary for a successful and fulfilling career. By bridging the gap between academia and professional practice, the program equips students with the practical wisdom and guidance needed to navigate the dental profession confidently.

Overall, the mentorship program offered by the San Antonio District Dental Society plays a vital role in cultivating the professional growth and development of students at the UT Health San Antonio School of Dentistry. Through the dedication and commitment of its member dentists, this program shapes the future of dentistry by nurturing the talents and aspirations of emerging dental professionals.


Experienced SADDS Member/Dentists, we appreciate your leadership, dedication, and time commitment in becoming a mentor in the SADDS Great Expectations Program. As we gear up for the upcoming 2023-2024 school year, we invite you to share your knowledge and expertise with our students and future members/leaders in organized dentistry.

You will make a lasting impact on the future of dentistry and help shape the careers of aspiring dental professionals!

Please provide a few sentences or paragraphs on why you would like to be a mentor

Please upload a short bio here

Please upload your headshot