Early Bird pricing is almost gone. Sign up now!
The clock is ticking to get the best pricing for the TDA Meeting. Register by this Friday, March 31st to get the best rates. This is your last week to register before prices go up. Join us in San Antonio on May 4th-6th!
We have learning for the whole team. Classes that will meet requirements—and expand your knowledge. Chances to catch up with old friends and make new connections. Expert speakers from across the US. An exhibit hall with slick deals, and its own quick CE classroom.
We’re excited about the happy hour and Lone Star Party on May 4th, sponsored by TDA Perks. And on May 5th, we’re teaming up with San Antonio Pets Alive! to bring you snuggle sessions with puppies in the Exhibit Hall!
Visit our website to learn more.
Register before March 31 and save!