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Oct 25, 2023

Oct 25, 2023

Governor Abbott Authorizes Texas Dentists and Dental Students to Administer the COVID-19 Vaccine

Jul 30, 2021

The Texas State Board of Dental Examiners (TSBDE) just announced today (March 22) that Governor Greg Abbott approved dentists and dental students to administer the COVID-19 vaccine, under the Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act’s (PREP) recently amended emergency declaration. To qualify, a dentist must be actively licensed in Texas or held an active license within the last 5 years that is currently inactive, retired, expired, or lapsed, as long as the license was in good standing prior to the date of inactivity and was not revoked by the TSBDE, or surrendered to the TSBDE while under suspension, discipline, or investigation, or arrest. A dentist also cannot be on the Exclusion List maintained by the Office of the Inspector General. Dental students must have training in appropriate vaccine administration as determined by their dental school and be supervised by a health care professional experienced in administering intramuscular injections. Other requirements also apply. The TSBDE is informing the Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS) that dentists can now administer the COVID-19 vaccine so that DSHS will let dentists register as COVID-19 vaccine providers. 

Want to administer the COVID-19 vaccine in your dental office? 

  • Register through Only registered dentists can receive and administer COVID-19 vaccines in Texas. 
  • Complete the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) COVID 19 Vaccination Program Provider Agreement and list the healthcare providers at that location that would be responsible for vaccination.
  • Remember: You must be able to maintain vaccine safety and inventory and agree to report all COVID-19 dosages you administer and other data in the required time frame using DSHS required reporting format. 
  • Remember: You must administer the COVID-19 to patients for free regardless of the recipient’s ability to pay. 
  • Remember: You cannot seek reimbursement for COVID-19 vaccine or reimbursement for any ancillary supplies provided to you for free by the federal government. 
  •  For more information go to DSHS’s “Vaccination Provider Enrollment” Webpage.
  • Questions? Call the DSHS COVID 19 Vaccine Provider hotline at (877) 835-7750, 8AM to 5PM, Monday through Friday or email

Want to volunteer your services?

  • You only need to be authorized by the event or program’s licensed signing clinician. 

It is exciting that dentists can now join the state’s vaccination efforts. Dentists have the knowledge and skills necessary to administer the COVID-19 vaccine, and TDA is eager to be a part of the state’s plan to get the vaccine to every Texan who wants to be vaccinated. 

Feb 13, 2025