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Oct 25, 2023

TDA Member Call to Action – Legislative Priorities, COVID-19 Vaccine

Jan 14, 2021
Texas lawmakers have convened for the 87th Legislative Session and the TDA wants them to hear from you regarding the Association's legislative priorities and COVID-19 vaccine access.

Contacting your lawmakers is now easier than ever. Like the ADA, TDA now has a relationship with VoterVoice which makes sending pre-drafted messages to your lawmakers as easy as reading messages such as this one, clicking THIS LINK, providing your contact information, and clicking "Send Message".

The message TDA is asking you to send to your lawmakers focuses on:


  • Teledentistry legislation which is a COVID response effort to ensure patients may be safely treated via technology;
  • Insurance reform to maintain fairness and disclosure; and
  • Budget protection for the benefit of educating students, treating those on Medicaid, and regulating the profession.

It also focuses on COVID-19 vaccine access for dentists and dental health care workers:

  • The state has not yet included dentists or dental health care workers among those eligible to receive the COVID-19 vaccine. TDA believes strongly that dentists and dental health care workers should be prioritized and state decision makers have heard extensively from TDA about this. Lawmakers can help apply pressure to decision makers to highlight the importance of vaccinating dentists and dental health care workers.
  • The message TDA is asking you to send to your lawmakers includes language urging them to contact decision makers to include dentists and dental health care professionals among the groups eligible to be vaccinated in the next distribution phase.

Reminder: Please Save the Date! TDA's Legislative Day will be Wednesday, February 17th and it will be virtual. Additional details will follow. Please make plans to participate in this important event!

Thank you for your membership, your commitment to your profession and patients, and for taking time to send this important message to your lawmakers.


Feb 13, 2025