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Oct 25, 2023

Oct 25, 2023

National Health Insurance Reform Passes After ADA Lobbying

Jan 14, 2021
The President signed the Competitive Health Insurance Reform Act into law on Wednesday. This is a win for dentists and patients. According to an ADA news release, this is “the culmination of a multi-year effort by several organizations, including the American Dental Association (ADA).”

The act repeals some decades-old exemptions under the 1947 McCarran-Ferguson Act, which gave health insurers unfair protection from federal antitrust laws. Your membership in ADA, TDA, and your local society, as well as ADPAC (American Dental Political Action Committee), help make achievements like this possible.
The goal of the new law is to improve transparency and competition in the health, dental and vision insurance marketplaces. It should also open up opportunities for long-term innovation, and other improved features that will benefit both consumers and providers by expanding choices for offering better and more coverage options. 

What does this mean for you, as a dentist? The ADA has released two resources to explain:
1. FAQ document about how the repeal may affect ADA members.
2. One-page overview explaining the repeal and its impact on the profession
The ADA has also issued a media statement and ADA News Story.
For more information about the history of the multi-year effort, please visit:

The 87th Texas Legislature is in session, and TDA wants them to hear from you regarding the TDA’s legislative priorities and COVID-19 vaccine access. TDA’s top legislative priorities include teledentistry, as a COVID response effort to ensure patients may be safely treated via teledentistry technology; insurance reform to maintain fairness and disclosure; and budget protection for the benefit of educating students, treating those on Medicaid, and regulating the profession.

TDA urges you to reach out to your Texas lawmakers! Dentists and dental team members are important healthcare providers and should be approved to receive the COVID-19 vaccine! Click here now to act!

Feb 13, 2025